Ready To Master New Skills?

Add to your Folk Art Painting Skills with this introduction to Russian Florals Course. Purchase it individually or get unlimited access to ALL the Academy tutorials with the ACADEMY PASS MEMBERSHIP

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L1 COURSE: Introduction to Russian Florals



Building your brushstroke skills

Building your brushstroke skills

Russian Daisies

Russian Daisies

Russian Florals

Russian Florals

Russian Florals wreath

Russian Florals wreath

Russian Florals Heat Mats

About this course
What you need:
Flowing comma strokes exercise
Revisit your exercises
Comma stroke circles exercise
L1 SKILL: Flowing comma Stroke assignment
Russian Daisy practice sheet
How to paint Russian style daisies
Russian Daisy Duo
Russian Florals Template
Russian Florals Paint Along
Russian Floral Wreath Pattern Sheet
Russian floral wreath - part 1
Russian Floral Wreath pt 2
Russian Floral Wreath pt 3
Russian Floral Wreath pt 4
ASSIGNMENT - Russian Floral design
Basecoat the mats
Apply the Design
Russian floral wreath project


A message from your tutor

Being from the UK, English Roses and Castles are very close to my heart. Traditionally, canal boat people used these vibrant paintings to adorn their boats, bringing charm and colour to their travels. I’ve loved creating this course, guiding you step-by-step to paint a beautiful milk churn with these classic designs. I hope you enjoy learning and creating as much as I have enjoyed putting this course together for you.
